Sheli's Bat Mitzvah

On a wonderful Saturday on City Island, the family gathered to celebreate Sheli's Bat Mitzvah!

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Mommy and the Nut Mommy and the Nut Warren, Justine, Emily and Jenny and Danny with Peanut Mommy and the Nut The whole crew Daddy and Sara Peanut and the pole Playing with the pole Peekaboo! Peekaboo! The Bat Mitzvah girl! The Bat Mitzvah family! The Bat Mitzvah family! The Bat Mitzvah family! The Bat Mitzvah family! The Bat Mitzvah family! The Bat Mitzvah family! Peanut and Aunt Justine Peanut and Aunt Justine A glorious day! Bubbie and Peanut Bubbie and Peanut Bubbie and Peanut Daddy gives Peanut some dessert Peanut... Peanut... Peanut and Grandpa After a long day... exhaustion takes over the Nut

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