Sara's Baby Naming

After a moving ceremony at The Princeton Jewish Center to officially give her a Hebrew name, the family and friends collected at Bubbie and Grandpa's house to enjoy the beautiful day!

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Mommy, Daddy and Sara Nitzah Mommy, Daddy and Sara Nitzah Mommy, Daddy and Sara Nitzah Mommy, Daddy and Sara Nitzah Cousin Emily and Sara Cousin Emily and Sara Cousin Emily and Sara Cousin Emily and Sara Cousin Emily and Sara Cousin Emily and Sara Cousin Emily and Sara Cousin Emily and Sara The kids enjoy a movie The kids enjoy a movie The kids enjoy a movie The kids enjoy a movie The kids enjoy a movie Julia blows out the candles! Julia blows out the candles! Aunt Lou and Uncle Joe Mommy, Daddy and Sara Nitzah Mommy, Daddy and Sara Nitzah Aunt Rocio blowing bubbles Aunt Rocio blowing bubbles Playing in the backyard Playing in the backyard Playing in the backyard Playing in the backyard Playing in the backyard Aunt Jeannette

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