Eagles Tailgate - November 2005

While the 2005 Eagles didn't have their best season, each game and tailgate were wonderful. The whole family got together in the parking lot to BBQ and enjoy the morning!

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Julia and Daddy walk in the Parking Lot Julia and Daddy walk in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Warren and Julia play in the Parking Lot Julia and Warren play football in the Parking Lot Julia plays in the parking lot Danny, Warren & Julia play in the parking lot Warren and Rocio enjoying the morning Warren and Rocio enjoying the morning Danny and Jenny enjoying the morning Danny and Jenny enjoying the morning Danny and Jenny enjoying the morning Josh has his breakfast Josh has his breakfast Jenny and Danny A meat bonanza! Grillmasters... Joshua Joshua Danny checks the meat

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