

The Hottest Guys in Town

September 21, 2000

Who's the hottest guy in Sydney? Who's the man with the plan? Who's getting invited to the hippest joint's? Is it Russel Crowe (just arrived with Meg Ryan)? Is it the Sultan of Brunei?


Although this guy is staying in the same hotel with them. Frank Getter is the man.

Tonight we were at a bar down by Darling Harbor. We were standing with our group of five or six folks and Frank's mobile phone rings. It's Arthur calling to invite Frank somewhere.

Where you ask?

Apparently there's a party at someplace called News Club.

Much like with the Billy Payne incident, Frank asks around the group (in which, we're the only Yanks), "What's News Club?"

The response, "It's Rupert Murdoch's club!"


Actually, we all know who Rupert is, but his invite just didn't have the appeal we needed. So we said thanks, but no thanks.

It will be written that Frank and I blew off Rupert Murdoch.